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- Program WindowDemo;
- {This is a program that demonstrates some features of THOR's windowlib.
- For more information on how this works read the include file
- utils/windowlib.i
- © 1997 THOR - Software}
- {Include some useful stuff, and the windowlib itself}
- {$I "include:utils/windowlib.i"}
- {$I "include:utils/stringlib.i"}
- {This is the demonstration part...}
- {Setup a menu bar in an simple way. The menu is created out of them.
- The entries in this array are of a structure called MenuCommand,
- each of them describing one menu item, a menu bar or controlling
- the generation. The structure itself consists of:
- 1) the type of entry to be created:
- a MC_MENU (menubar), an MC_ITEM (an item of the menu)
- or an MC_SUBITEM (subitem of an item).
- The last item or subitem of a menu must be a
- to tell windowlib that one element of the menu is
- now complete.
- 2) some flags describing how this should look like.
- They are either MC_NORMALMENU (ordinary menu bar)
- or MC_NORMAL for a select-action menu item, or
- MC_CHECKABLE to get a menu item that can be turned
- on or off. MC_BAR is special in the sense that it
- creates a separation bar.
- 3) One character consisting of a shortcut (Amiga + key)
- 4) A string to be appear in the menu itself.}
- menubar : ARRAY[1..8] OF MenuCommand=(
- (MC_MENU,MC_NORMALMENU,'\0',0,"Menu 1"),
- (MC_ITEM,MC_NORMAL,'\0',0,"Item 1"),
- (MC_ITEM,MC_NORMAL,'\0',0,"Item 2"),
- (MC_ITEM,MC_CHECKABLE,'\0',0,"Onoff"),
- (MC_ITEM,MC_BAR,'\0',0,""),
- (MC_ITEM,MC_NORMAL,'Q',0,"Exit"),
- (MC_LASTITEM,0,'\0',0,""),
- (MC_LASTMENU,0,'\0',0,""));
- x,y : SHORT;
- i : SHORT;
- s : ScreenPtr;
- w : WindowPtr;
- g1,g2,g3,g4,g5: GadgetPtr;
- t : INTEGER;
- b : BOOLEAN;
- buf : ARRAY[0..15] OF CHAR;
- ex : BOOLEAN;
- menu,item,subitem : SHORT;
- InitGraphics; {setup gfx system}
- {open a custom screen. Arguments are:
- left and top edge of the screen, width, height and
- depth of bitplanes (2^depth=# of colors)
- the monitor ID - here in HIRES
- and a title}
- s:=OpenAScreen(0,0,640,300,2,MON_HIRES,"Test screen");
- {choose the pen 3 to be fire-brigade red. Arguments are
- the screen, the number of the pen and the red,green and blue
- components of the new color, on a range from 0 (min) to 15 (max).
- The windowlib does not support 16 bit colors...}
- SetColor(s,3,15,0,0);
- {please note that this is bad style since we haven't tested if the
- screen did open. Sigh}
- {open a window on this screen. The arguments are
- the screen, the position (left/top coordinates) the
- width and heights and some flags which should be left to
- 14 for almost all reasons, and a string giving the title.}
- w:=OpenScreenWindow(s,0,20,640,240,2+4+8,"A Test");
- {setup a font to be used in this window. In this case,
- it's topaz.9. Choose something better if you like...}
- b:=SetWindowFont(w,"topaz.font",9);
- SetStyle(w,4); {Set the style for the text to be printed:
- 1 is underlined, 2 is bold, 4 is italic.
- Add the values for style combinations}
- Color(w,1); {chose a pen to be used}
- {draw a nifty graphics}
- FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN
- Plot(w,0,i*24); {plot a point}
- DrawTo(w,i*64,240); {draw a line from it to this position}
- END;
- {wait until the user clicks into the window}
- WaitForClick(w);
- {clear the window}
- ClearWindow(w);
- {draw an ellipse. Arguments are the center and the two
- radii}
- Ellipse(w,320,120,300,150);
- {fill it in a different color}
- Color(w,2);
- Fill(w,320,120);
- {wait until the user clicks into the window}
- WaitForClick(w);
- ClearWindow(w); {clear it}
- Color(w,1); {choose pen}
- {another nice gfx with ellipses}
- FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO
- Ellipse(w,320,120,i*20,100-i*10);
- WaitForClick(w);
- ClearWindow(w); {wait and clear}
- {turn on boundary drawing. This affects filled boxes
- and ellipses.}
- Boundary(w,TRUE);
- OlColor(w,1); {choose the pen for the boundary}
- FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN
- Color(w,i); {choose the pen for the interiour}
- PBox(w,i*32,i*12,640-i*32,240-i*12); {draw a filled, framed rectangle}
- END;
- Boundary(w,FALSE); {turn off boundary drawing again}
- WaitForClick(w); {wait until the user clicks into the window}
- ClearWindow(w); {clear it}
- {draw the same, but not filled}
- FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN
- Color(w,i); {chose color}
- Box(w,i*32,i*12,640-i*32,240-i*12); {draw a frame}
- END;
- WaitForClick(w);
- ClearWindow(w); {wait and clear}
- Boundary(w,TRUE); {again boundary mode}
- OlColor(w,1); {color for the boundary}
- FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN
- Color(w,i); {color for the interiour}
- PEllipse(w,320,120,i*20,100-i*10); {draw a filled, framed ellipse}
- END;
- {some interactive selection functions}
- {let the user select one point of the window with a cross}
- SelectPoint(w,x,y);
- {let the user select a region of the window by "dragging" it}
- DragBox(w,x,y,x,y);
- {we do actually nothing with them, just for demonstration}
- {tell the windowlib we want to hear if the user presses a
- mouse button}
- RequestStart(w,MOUSEBUTTONS_F);
- Mouse(w,x,y); {read the mouse position}
- Plot(w,x,y); {plot a point at this position}
- UNTIL NextRequest(w)=MOUSEBUTTONS_F; {until the mouse button gets pressed}
- {turn off notification}
- RequestEnd(w,MOUSEBUTTONS_F);
- {create some gadgets. A text button is just a button with
- some text in it. It is called a "bool gadget" in intution
- terms. The user can press it to force some action.
- Arguments are: the window, the x and y coordinates of its
- position, the width and height - beeing zero here to tell
- the windowlib to calculate them by the text they should
- contain and the text itself}
- g1:=CreateTextButton(w,4,04,0,0,"Demo gadget");
- g2:=CreateTextButton(w,4,20,0,0,"Another one");
- {create a string field: This is a rectangular area where
- the user may insert text. These are called "string gadgets"
- by the intuition part of the OS.
- The arguments are the window, the position x and y and the
- width and height. The height is set to zero to tell window
- lib to fiddle this out by itself - the window's font is
- used here.}
- g3:=CreateStringField(w,4,40,100,0);
- {create a slider. They are called "prop gadgets" in intuition
- language and let users select a choise out of a list of
- items. Arguments are the window, the position x,y, the
- width and height, and a flag beeing FALSE for horizontal and
- TRUE for vertical movement. The size of the list = the number
- of choices is setup later.}
- g4:=CreateSlider(w,4,60,100,8,FALSE);
- {create a toggle gadget. This is also a "bool gadget" in
- intuition notation. This is a gadget that can be toggled
- "on" or "off" by the user by pressing it.}
- g5:=CreateTextToggle(w,4,80,0,0,"Toggle");
- {note that we did some bad style above since we never
- checked if the gadgets could have been created}
- {create a menu and attach it to the window. The definition
- of the menu is done by a structure you see on top of this
- procedure}
- CreateMenu(w,@menubar);
- {setup the slider g4 to describe a list of 16 items (=16
- possible choices), one beeing visible at a time, with 0
- beeing the initial choice. The choices returned by window-
- lib are numbered from 0 to 16}
- SetSlider(g4,16,1,0);
- {display the cursor in the string field created on top
- and let the user enter something}
- b:=ActivateField(g3);
- {tell the windowlib we want to get informed if:
- the user wants to close the window
- the user releases a gadget,i.e. the sliders, the buttons
- or the text field
- the user presses a mouse button.
- the user selected a menu.
- the user pressed a key}
- Color(w,1); {choose the pen}
- ex:=FALSE; {flag if we should exit}
- {if the mouse button is pressed, read the
- mouse position and draw a point at it.
- read the next event in this case}
- IF MouseButton(w) THEN BEGIN
- Mouse(w,x,y);
- Plot(w,x,y);
- t:=NextRequest(w);
- {else redraw the gadgets since the
- user might have drawn over them}
- RefreshButton(g1);
- RefreshButton(g2);
- RefreshButton(g3);
- RefreshButton(g4);
- RefreshButton(g5);
- {and wait for something to be happen}
- t:=WaitRequest(w);
- END;
- {now look what has happend, if at all}
- {a gadget has been released}
- {setup a drawing position}
- Position(w,50,120);
- {get the number of the gadget that has been
- pressed. They are numbered from one
- in increasing order of their creation}
- CASE LastGadgetID(w) OF
- 1: {draw some text if one of the buttons has been released}
- DrawText(w,"Gadget 1");
- 2:
- DrawText(w,"Gadget 2");
- 3: {get the contents of the string field and draw it}
- DrawText(w,BufferFromField(g3));
- 4: BEGIN {read the position of the slider, convert it to text and draw it}
- t:=IntToStr(@buf,FirstFromSlider(g4));
- DrawText(w,@buf);
- END;
- 5: BEGIN {the on/off gadget has changed its state. Read it and display it}
- IF GetToggle(g5) THEN BEGIN
- DrawText(w,"On ");
- DrawText(w,"Off");
- END;
- END;
- END;
- {if we got the message that the user wants to
- shutdown, set a flag}
- ex:=TRUE;
- {read the key that has been pressed into a buffer,
- and print this buffer.}
- LastKey(w,@buf,i);
- Position(w,50,90);
- DrawText(w,@buf);
- END;
- {a menu has been selected, read which one.
- The number returned is the menu number, the item
- number and the subitem number resp.
- They are numbered from 0 increasing in the
- order in the menu bar or menu. The item or
- subitem is -1 if it has not been selected}
- LastMenu(w,menu,item,subitem);
- IF item=4 THEN
- ex:=TRUE; {"exit" choosen?}
- IF item=2 THEN BEGIN
- {check the state of the checkmark item.
- The numbers given here are again the
- number of the menu, of the item and of
- the subitem as described above. -1 means
- that this item has no subitem}
- IF CheckMarkOfMenu(w,0,2,-1) THEN BEGIN
- {enable the menu item #1, i.e.
- make it selectable}
- OnMenuPoint(w,0,1,-1);
- {disable menu item #1 in the first
- menu, i.e. forbid selection}
- OffMenuPoint(w,0,1,-1);
- {set the state of the toggle gadget by the
- state of this gadget}
- SetToggle(g5,CheckMarkOfMenu(w,0,2,-1));
- END;
- END;
- UNTIL ex; {repeat until the user had enough}
- {tell windowlib we no longer want to receive messages
- from this window}
- {close this window}
- CloseAWindow(w);
- END;
- {close the screen}
- CloseAScreen(s);
- END;
- {quit the gfx system}
- ExitGraphics;
- END;
- {a tiny main program}
- Demo;
- END.